This is Me

I live for little moments. This is what the blog is about.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

From the Archives (1999): Love in a Plastic Box



... ustreptali, njihovi. usne zamisljene razvucene u osmeh, s mojim imenom. meki obli sareni glasovi, njihovi...

... pritajeni zaustavljeni izdisaj suncanog popodneva, okruglo decije oko u iscekivanju, preskoceni otkucaj srca, mog. pritajeni zaustavljeni dah i eslplozija glasova, mekih oblih, mog imena...

... isprepleteni izukrstani paralelni isprekidani u zici slusalice, glasovi. slusam. tu u ruznoj plasticnoj kutiji cuce, izvijeni u osmeh glasovi, obeglavljeni. preskocen otkucaj srca, mog. moja tuga moje t meko tiho moje oko izvrnuto istegnuto za glasovima...

... kao trunke prasine kao parcici proslosti kao pulsirajuca zenica plivaju plutaju lebde glasovi, njihovi. slusam cujem ljubav. slusam cujem ljubav peva u ruznoj plasticnoj kutiji. preplavljena moja je ljubav kao. glas nikao iz kutije. krik kroz zicu, zaljubljen. pesma glasna od srca, ljubav je moja, slusaj...

... nezno s ljubavlju ruzna plasticna kutija peva glasove, njihove, grlate, za mene. slusam, cujem: ljubav.
(to my family)

"love in a plastic box"

... tingling voices, theirs. imaginary lips stretching into a smile, with my name in it. soft curved shimmering sounds of voices, theirs...

... hushed suspended breathing out of a sunny afternoon, a childlike eye rounded with anticipation, a missed heartbeat, mine. hushed suspended breath then an explosion of voices, soft curved, of my name...

... interweaving criss-crossing parallel and intermittent in the wire of the receiver, voices. i listen. there in the ugly plastic box they are crouching, curled into a smile, voices, headless. a missed heartbeat, mine. my sorrow, my t soft and quiet, my eye craning straining after the voices...

... like specks of dust like particles of the past like pulsating pupil in the eye, the voices swim float hover, theirs. i listen i hear love. i listen i hear love singing in the ugly plastic box. flooded is my love. like a voice sprouting from the box. a scream through the wire, in love. a loud song from the heart, is my love, listen...

... tenderly with love the ugly plastic box is singing the sounds of voices, theirs, throaty, for me. i listen, i hear: love.


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