This is Me

I live for little moments. This is what the blog is about.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

For Gérald Godin

(Gérald Godin)

Sept heures et demi du matin métro de Montréal
c'est plein d'immigrants
ça se lève de bonne heure
ce monde-là
le vieux coeur de la ville
battrait-il donc encore
grâce à eux
ce vieux coeur usé de la ville
avec ses spasmes
ses embolies
ses souffles au coeur
et tous ses défauts
et toutes les raisons du monde qu'il aurait
de s'arrêter
de renoncer


A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many,
I had not thought death had undone so many.

8 am in the metro.
The washed-out, shrunk-in
faces, caving into their
yawns, like lost souls
with glazed-over eyes
spill out of the train
and with a look of borrowed
purpose, march off in a
phalanx of feet in their boots.

His palm on the pane of the
departing train, a small Asian boy
stares emptily ahead.

Whose dream is this and
do we see each other?
Why are we so keen on
walking the same way?
Does anybody know
where we are going?


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