This is Me

I live for little moments. This is what the blog is about.

Saturday, August 22, 2015


Lots of things happened.

Recco, the long-feathered ara
from across the street
finally showed his face
and stuck one bewildered eye
through the gate;

an alligator was spotted
in the East End late at night
as she was taking a stroll
down a back-alley obliviously,
then promptly returned home;

the northern constellations
rotated as they had to,
the shooting stars shower
never failed to come and go,
numerous accidents were reported
on the morning radio.

But low on my left calf
I still wear two small scars
from where the pedal
of the bike I pushed for you
cut into the flesh
weeks ago.

Thursday, August 06, 2015

The Mirror

This mirror is not for everyone
because it shows the cruellest truth.

It takes a good look
at the one looking
and detects failures and blemishes:

that pinkish spot
halfway down the cheek,
the white scar-line
at the base of the head,
all the broken nails,
and damaged tissues and surfaces,

a whiff of an uneasy
a hint of solitude
in public places,
a trace of indecisiveness,
a smell of late-night restlessness --

It gathers them all into a focal point
then washes them in the river
and lays them out in the sun,
blasting a spotlight
on their vulnerability,
reflecting them to themselves
in unwanted beauty,
revealing radiance
inside the defective part.

This mirror is infallible,
and not for everyone,
because it is powered
by the engine of the heart.