This is Me

I live for little moments. This is what the blog is about.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Nuclear Arms

"... as he went to join the nuclear
arms protest in Amsterdam in 1981"
I read, and was momentarily stuck
in the image of two strong, unhesitant

arms, with subatomic powers of enfolding
all my protons, waltzing with my electrons,
and electrifying all my neutrons; arms
gifted with the force of fusion, gathering

all my elementary particles,
keeping them from speeding away
in opposite directions, anchoring
them in a here. Arms that could

annihilate my entire population,
in a blink, on a whim, if they would.

(written during the longest night of the year, as the full Moon enters a total eclipse, and the winter starts: Dec 21, 3:14 AM)